Living With Coyotes

Neighborhoods can have an abundance of wildlife. Some, like songbirds or beneficial insects, are easy to welcome. But other wildlife – particularly carnivores such as coyotes – may make residents feel uneasy or scared.

There are many myths circulating about coyotes, particularly in urban environments. As wild animals, they should be respected and left alone, but it’s also good to take extra steps to help prevent human-wildlife conflicts. Here, we have some guidance for ways residents can protect their home, property, and pets.

In Your Yard

Photo credit: Zoe Rossman

• If you suspect a coyote is in your neighborhood, monitor your pets when outside, even if your yard is fenced

• Close off crawl spaces to prevent denning

• Secure potential food sources (garbage cans, pet food)

In Your Neighborhood

• Urban coyotes tend to be most active at night, but they can be seen at dawn and dusk hours. Be alter when walking at these times.

• Keep your pet on a leash

• If it makes you feel more comfortable, walk with a noise maker or airhorn

What to Should You do if You See a Coyote?

• Do not approach a coyote

• NEVER offer a coyote food – it could associate humans with food and lose its natural fear of humans

• Use loud noises, such as banging pots and pans or blow horns, to “haze” a coyote out of your yard or area

• If a coyote seems to act erratic or aggressive, call a wildlife professional for assistance and evaluation

Useful Resources

Avoiding Conflicts With Coyotes

Coyote Ecology

Living With Coyotes Near Your Home